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Orchid Species: Sedirea japonica

Posted by on August 8, 2011
Photograph of orchid species Sedirea japonica mounted on driftwood with moss.

Sedirea japonica mounted on driftwood with moss. Image by Airborne Pilot.

Species Description

Sedirea japonica “…is quite a novelty, being, as far as I am aware, the first of the genus from Japan, and consequently will prove a cool-house species. It has thick coriaceous leaves, and a raceme of moderate length; the flowers are of a greenish white, spotted with rose colour.

Botanical illustration of orchid species Sedirea japonica.

Botanical illustration of orchid species Sedirea japonica from Curtis' Botanical Magazine.


  • Aerides japonicum


  • Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual
  • “Curtis’s Botanical Magazine” vol. 95 (Ser. 3 no. 25) pl. 5798

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