Botanical illustration of orchid species Aganisia pulchella as featured in Edward's Botanical Register.
Species Description
Aganisia pulchella is a “rare and pretty dwarf Orchid from Demerara, eight inches high, the only species of this genus that I know; it produces from the bottom of the bulb a spike of flowers, which are white, with a blotch of yellow in the centre of the lip. It blossoms at different times of the year, lasts two or three weeks in perfection, and is best grown in a pot, with peat and good drainage. It requires a liberal supply of water at the roots, and the hottest house. It is a very scarce plant, and is propagated by dividing the bulbs.” (Source: Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual.)
- Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual
- Edwards’s Botanical Register, Volume 26 (N.S. 3), Plate 32 (1840)