Species Description

Aerides multiflora botanical illustration for Curtis' magazine. Originally published as Aerides affinis (which is now considered a synonym).
Aerides multiflora is a “handsome free-flowering species from India, with light green foliage a foot long, and pink and white flowers, produced on long branching spikes in great profusion. Leaves about eight inches long, dark green, and covered with small spots. Flowers of a white and pink colour, resembling so many small shells, so beautiful are they in appearance. I have seen spikes of this two feet long, with three and four branches on each spike. It is a profuse bloomer, and has been exhibited with from thirty to forty spikes. It grows from two to three feet high, and makes one of the finest plants for exhibition, continuing in blossom three or four weeks.” (Source: Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual.)
Varieties and Cultivars
Aerides multiflora superbum is a “splendid variety of Aerides multiflora, the colour of which is richer, and the flowers much larger, and the plant is more compact in growth than the typical form. It is a free flowering variety, producing a many-branched spike.” (Source: Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual.)
- Aerides affine
- Aerides affine superbum
- Aerides affinis
- Aerides veitchii