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Tagged With: Epiphyte

Orchid Species: Thrixspermum calceolus

Species Description Thrixspermum calceolus is a “free handsome-flowering species from India, producing long spikes of deep rosy pink and white blossoms; foliage light green, about eight inches long and nearly two inches wide. Altogether a very showy kind, of which there are several varieties; many of them produce long branching spikes, and make a fine … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides falcata

Species Description Aerides falcata is a “…fine free-growing plant, with dark green leaves, ten inches long. The flowers are numerous, on a single spike, of a cream and light rose colour. It blooms in June, and lasts two weeks in perfection. This is a distinct plant, and was first flowered by Mr. Eyles, then gardener to … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Sedirea japonica

Species Description Sedirea japonica “…is quite a novelty, being, as far as I am aware, the first of the genus from Japan, and consequently will prove a cool-house species. It has thick coriaceous leaves, and a raceme of moderate length; the flowers are of a greenish white, spotted with rose colour. Synonyms Aerides japonicum Publications … Continue reading »

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Orchid Hybrid: Aerides × dominianum

Hybrid Description Aerides × dominianum is a “…garden hybrid, having flowers of the colour of those of Aerides fieldingii, with the markings and shape of Aerides affine. It is very rare at present. One of the most beautiful varieties which are enriching our collections as the result of hybridising. It is the produce of a … Continue reading »

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Orchid Genus: Ada

Genus Overview Benjamin Williams wrote of Ada in the Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual, “This genus, as far as I am aware, contains but one species, and is evidently nearly allied to Brassia. It is an extremely showy and ornamental plant, as the colour is rare amongst Orchids; it should be grown with such plants as … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Gongora armeniaca

Species Description Gongora armeniaca is a very free-growing compact plant, attaining to about a foot in height; pseudobulbs somewhat oval, bearing on the top two broad light green leaves, and from the base producing a rather lax, many-flowered, pendulous raceme, a foot or more in length, supporting from twelve to twenty of its rich yellow flowers, slightly spotted with … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Acineta superba

Species Description Acineta superba is a strong-growing species from La Guayra. Flowers in the same way as Acineta barkeri, but about a month earlier; the long spikes of flowers are of a deep chocolate colour, spotted with crimson. It lasts only a short time in perfection. Synonyms Acineta humboldtii Publications Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual Edwards’s … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Acineta densa

Species Description Acineta densa is a “beautiful and distinct species, also from Mexico, with yellow and crimson flowers, which are produced on pendulous spikes from the base of the bulbs, and which will last a long time in perfection.” (Source: Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual by B.S. Williams.”

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Orchid Species: Acineta barkeri

Species Description A curious Orchid from Mexico, producing from the bottom of the pseudobulbs spikes about a foot in length, bearing rich yellow flowers, which will last a long time in perfection. It blooms during the summer months. Publications “Curtis’s Botanical Magazine” 72 (Ser. 3 no. 2) pl. 4203.  Originally published as Peristeria barkeri. Synonyms Peristeria barkeri

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Orchid Species Genus: Acineta

Genus Overview This genus comprises several species; the most attractive kinds are, however, here specified. They should all be grown in baskets, as they produce their flower spikes from the base of the pseudobulbs, and they invariably take a downward direction. The species are all evergreen, with short pseudobulbs, and leaves about a foot high; … Continue reading »

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