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Tagged With: India

Orchid Species: Aerides virens

Species Description Aerides virens is described by Benjamin S. Williams in the Classic Orchid Grower’s Manual as “a lovely plant from Java, with light green foliage eight inches long; the flowers are of a light peach colour, spotted with purple, the lip being spotted with crimson. Blooms in May and June, the flowers remaining long … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides McMorlandi

Species Description Aerides McMorlandi is a “magnificent species from India, compact in growth, and having bright green foliage, about ten inches in length; blossoms freely, producing long branching spikes of peach and white flowers in June and July, and continuing three or four weeks in perfection. The only plant I know of this was in … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides maculosa

Species Description Aerides maculosa (alternative spelling: Aerides maculosm) is a “lovely dwarf Orchid from Bombay, with dark green leaves, eight inches long, close and compact, stiff growing, with light-coloured flowers, spotted all over with purple, and a large purple blotch on the lip. Blooms in June and July, and, if the flowers are kept dry, … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides rosea

Species Description Aerides rosea is a “magnificent free-flowering Indian species, of which there are many varieties both in growth and flowers, and which is popularly known as the fox-brush Aerides; it grows from two to three feet high; some of the varieties have dark green foliage, while others are of a lighter shade; the leaves, which … Continue reading »

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Aerides crispa

Species Description Aerides crispa is a “truly beautiful free-growing kind from India, with purple-coloured stem, dark green foliage, ten inches long; the blossoms, which are abundant, are white, tipped with pink. Flowers in June or July, and lasts two or three weeks in good condition. The spikes of flowers are long and very distinct from any … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides crassifolia

Species Description Benjamin Williams wrote that “Aerides crassifolia is one of the most beautiful species of this class; the growth is very compact, with light green foliage, leaves about eight inches long, produce sits long spikes of pink and white flowers in May and June, and continues in bloom for a very long time; it … Continue reading »

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Orchid Species: Aerides multiflora

Species Description Aerides multiflora is a “handsome free-flowering species from India, with light green foliage a foot long, and pink and white flowers, produced on long branching spikes in great profusion. Leaves about eight inches long, dark green, and covered with small spots. Flowers of a white and pink colour, resembling so many small shells, … Continue reading »

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Orchid Genus: Aerides

Benjamin Williams wrote of the orchid genus Aerides, “The species of Aerides are among the most beautiful of Orchids, many of them uniting every good quality that a plant can possess, viz., rich, evergreen, and regularly curved foliage; a graceful habit, flowers deliciously scented, and of peculiar elegance. Even when not in bloom the plants … Continue reading »

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